A Consistent Review Practice Will Save You Years From Pursuing Goals You No Longer Have A Passion For!


Hey Fellow Dads,

I have to admit, I’m a serial goal-setter but an even more consistent goal-quitter. Mostly because I lose focus, life smacks me in the face, or I realize I’m not interested in the work necessary to reach the expectations I’ve set for myself. In the past, I would just let the goal die along with my self-confidence and value. I always viewed it as quitting or FAILURE!! The driven people’s F word.

It wasn’t until a few years ago I realized that I’m not a quitter; I just don’t know how to be fluid or flexible with my goals.

Now, here’s the thing about goals: they’re not set in stone. Nope, they’re more like those Lego creations your kids make – flexible, adaptable, and sometimes in need of a little tweaking. That’s where consistent checking in comes into play.

Think about it this way: remember those times you set a goal to finally fix that squeaky door or start that new workout routine? Yeah, me too. And how often did you actually follow through? Exactly! It’s not that we lacked the motivation or the intention. Life just got busy, right? But what if we took a few minutes each week to check in on those goals? To see where we’re at, what’s working, and what’s not? That’s where the magic happens, my friends.

So, here are a few steps to help us dads become masters of goal-checking and pivoting:

  1. Check In Regularly: This is where the magic happens, dads. Set aside some time each week to review your goals and progress. Are you on track? Are there any roadblocks standing in your way? Be honest with yourself and adjust your plan as needed. (I am releasing a YouTube/Podcast on the formula I use to check in regularly. Make Sure You Subscribe To My Channel to see it)
  2. Hunker Down When Needed: On the flip side, there are times when we just need to hunker down and push through. If you’re still passionate about your goal and believe it’s worth pursuing, don’t be afraid to put in the extra effort. You got this, dad!
  3. Pivot When Necessary: Here’s the thing about goals – sometimes life throws us a curveball, and our plans go out the window. And that’s okay! Know when it’s time to pivot. Maybe your original goal no longer aligns with your values or priorities. That’s your cue to switch gears and set a new course.

I wrote an article about pivoting and created a flow chart to help you decide if you should pivot or hunker down. It also goes into detail about what should be done in each stage to get back on track.

Remember, the key to success isn’t just setting goals – it’s consistently checking in on them and being willing to pivot when necessary.

🍻Cheers To Learning How To Be More Flexible!

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