August 27, 2024

Julia Mayes Ep. 5 – How We Balance Love, Life, and Football Season

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Show Notes

In this episode of the Good Dads Podcast, Gerald Mayes welcomes his wife, Julia, to introduce their new show, Yes, We Fight. The couple dives into the dynamics of their 16-year marriage, offering a candid and humorous look at their journey together. They discuss how their relationship has evolved over two decades, from the early days of spontaneous decisions and unexpected challenges to the present, where they’ve grown into a strong partnership. This episode is packed with relatable stories, practical advice, and plenty of laughs as Julia and Gerald share the ups and downs of parenting and marriage. Their chemistry is undeniable, as they balance each other with witty banter and deep insights, making this episode a must-listen for anyone interested in building a strong, enduring relationship.

Guest Bio: Juliamarie Mayes

Juliamarie Mayes. is the wife of Gerald “Mr. BPOZ” Mayes, making her a vital part of the Good Dads Club community, If not the most important. Julia is an educator and the backbone of the Mayes family.

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Main Topics

  1. Introduction of Yes, We Fight: Gerald and Julia introduce their new podcast, focused on marriage and the lessons they’ve learned. They emphasize that their journey wasn’t traditional, highlighting their quick transition from dating to parenting.
  2. Parenting Challenges: The couple reflects on how they navigated the early years of their relationship with three children in tow. They discuss the importance of prioritizing their kids while maintaining their relationship.
  3. Balancing Marriage and Football Season: Gerald humorously lays out the “rules” for football season, discussing how they manage their time and expectations around his love for the game. Julia adds her perspective on how she adjusts to the football-dominated schedule.
  4. The Importance of Communication: A significant portion of the episode focuses on how communication has evolved in their marriage. They talk about the challenges of interpreting each other’s needs and finding ways to express themselves without causing conflict.
  5. Managing Expectations in Marriage: Julia and Gerald delve into how they manage their expectations of each other, particularly in stressful situations. They share how past experiences have shaped their current communication strategies.
  6. The Role of Individual Growth in a Relationship: The couple discusses the importance of personal growth within a marriage. They talk about how they’ve supported each other through personal changes and the impact this has had on their relationship.
  7. Navigating Long-Term Relationships: Gerald and Julia reflect on the complexities of maintaining a long-term relationship. They share insights on how they’ve managed to stay connected despite the challenges of life and parenthood.
  8. The Impact of Past Experiences: Both share how their past experiences have influenced their current relationship dynamics. They emphasize the need to address unresolved issues to avoid misunderstandings.
  9. The Value of Shared Goals: The episode highlights the importance of having shared goals in a marriage. For Gerald and Julia, their children have always been a unifying force, helping them stay focused on what matters most.
  10. Rebuilding After Difficult Times: The couple talks about how they’ve managed to rebuild their relationship after going through tough times. They discuss the importance of perseverance and commitment in overcoming challenges.

Insights and Advice

  • Communication is Key: Gerald and Julia stress the importance of open and honest communication in a marriage. They advise couples to be clear about their needs and to approach conversations with empathy and understanding.
  • Prioritize Your Relationship: Despite the demands of parenting and work, it’s crucial to make time for each other. The couple encourages finding activities that you both enjoy and using them as a way to reconnect.
  • Accept and Support Personal Growth: A healthy relationship allows for personal growth. Gerald and Julia remind listeners that supporting each other’s individual journeys is essential for long-term success.
  • Manage Expectations: Understanding and managing expectations can prevent many conflicts. Julia and Gerald advise couples to discuss their expectations openly and to be flexible when needed.
  • Shared Goals Strengthen Bonds: Having shared goals, especially in parenting, can help keep a relationship strong. Gerald and Julia have always prioritized their children, which has been a key factor in their enduring relationship.

Resources and Call to Action

  • Subscribe to Yes, We Fight: Gerald and Julia invite listeners to subscribe to their new podcast, where they’ll dive deeper into the challenges and joys of marriage.
  • Connect with Us: Follow Gerald and Julia on their social media channels to stay updated on new episodes and join the conversation.
  • Call to Action: Reflect on your relationship and identify areas where communication or expectations might need attention. Take time to discuss these with your partner to strengthen your connection.

Quotes from The Episode

  1. “You’re falling apart in front of another person, and you’re rebuilding in front of another person…and we’re not always equipped to be a spectator for your partner’s process.”
  2. “The beauty of that relationship is that the two people who met each other 60 years ago are not the two people that you see in front of you…and they watched each other do that.”
  3. “I think the one thing that I want to make sure people understand is we have to weed through our own muddy waters…Gerald and I navigate our mutual pond, but there’s still a space within that that to get to each other, we still have to wade individually.”
  4. “It’s difficult to be a part of another person’s unraveling, especially the person you care about.'”
  5. “His team is your team, period. Your daddy’s team or any other loyalties can wait—you fake it till you make it in February.”

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