The Best Way To Rebuild Your Kids Confidence


Hello Fellow Good Dads,

My son recently admitted something —casually, but still, an admission. I heard him tell his friend he was afraid.

For his birthday, he wanted to go to a go-kart track with his friends. Naturally, I agreed. As he raced around the track, I noticed he wasn’t going as fast as the others. He wasn’t trying to pass anyone, and he seemed hesitant.

After the race, I overheard him talking to his friend. “I didn’t want to pass the lady in front of me,” he said, “because the last time I tried to pass someone, I ended up in the hospital.

For those who don’t know the backstory, let me fill you in. Last March, my youngest two children and their cousins were in a serious ATV accident right in front of me. The accident was severe enough to land him in the hospital for three days, with two helicopter rides across Southeast Louisiana. It was a terrifying experience.

Despite this bit of fear, his very next words to his friend were, “The next race, I’m passing everybody.”

That moment made me proud. It also confirmed something I’ve been working on intentionally: helping him positively process that traumatic event. When the accident happened, I remember how scared I was. I naturally thought he would be too, but when he woke up in the hospital, the first thing he asked me was, “Dad, would you ever let me ride an ATV again?” Without hesitation, I said, “Of course. You just have to wear a helmet next time. We have to finish what we started the right way.

Even though I was afraid—deep down and honestly I didn’t want him anywhere near an ATV again, especially not in the woods where the accident happened— However, I knew I had to restore his confidence. Telling him it was too dangerous might have given him a lasting fear, and I wanted him to be free from that burden.

And it’s working!!

Hearing him acknowledge his fear, understand where it came from, and still have the courage to face it—that’s a big deal for a 15-year-old.

To be honest, I don’t think I had that kind of courage at his age. I didn’t face myself until I was!

🍻 Cheers to challenging your fears

What Is The Best Way To Rebuild Your Kids Confidence?

Through Challenge

Real-world evidence of your child’s capabilities, enhances their skills, and fosters resilience. Overcoming obstacles reinforces self-belief and diminishes fear, contributing to a positive self-image. This process helps them develop a growth mindset, where difficulties are seen as opportunities to learn and grow, further solidifying their confidence in handling future challenges.

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