The Super Power All Dads Need: Active Listening


Hey Fellow Dads,

This week, let’s dive into something that’s not only transformed my relationship with my kids but could change yours too: active listening. Yes, it’s about more than just nodding along to what they say; it’s about truly hearing them and understanding their world.

What is Active Listening?

Imagine your child is telling you about their day, and instead of planning what you’ll say next or half-listening while checking your phone, you give them your full attention. That’s active listening. It’s about being fully present, making eye contact, and occasionally repeating back what you hear to show you really get it. It’s like being their emotional sounding board.

Why It Matters

Years back, I brushed off my middle daughter’s sadness when her friend moved away, telling her she’d find new friends. Little did I know, that moment stuck with her, shaping how she felt about our relationship. It wasn’t until much later that I realized how deeply it affected her, teaching me a crucial lesson about the power of listening.

Practical Steps to Active Listening

Here’s how we can get better at this:

  1. Full Attention: Next time your kid talks, put everything else aside. Look them in the eyes. It shows you value what they’re saying.
  2. Reflect: Try to mirror back what they’re feeling. If they say, “I hate math,” instead of a quick fix, say, “It sounds like you’re really frustrated with math right now.”
  3. Clarify: Make sure you understand them correctly. Ask gentle questions to dig deeper without leading them to what you think they should say.

Common Roadblocks

Let’s be real, listening like this isn’t always easy. We’re busy, we get distracted, and sometimes, we just want to fix things for them. But every time we really listen, we’re telling them they matter, their feelings are valid, and that we’re truly there for them.

Personal Impact

Since that eye-opening talk with my daughter, I’ve made a point to practice active listening. The change didn’t happen overnight, but it’s been worth it. Our conversations are richer, and they come to me more often, trusting I’m really there to listen, not just to respond.

For Dads Struggling with This

If active listening doesn’t come naturally, don’t sweat it. It’s like any other skill – it gets easier with practice. Start small. Maybe set a goal to have one fully present conversation per day and build from there.


Remember, dads, our kids don’t need us to be problem-solvers all the time. More than anything, they need to feel heard and understood. Here’s to making every chat with our kids an opportunity to connect deeply.

🍻 Cheers to becoming better listeners and, by extension, better dads!

Education Created About This Topic

Podcast : Active Listening; The Super Power All Dads Must Learn – Ep.2

Blog: Active Listening: The Super Power To Building Stronger Bonds with Your Kids

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